WP4 “HosmartAI Platform Integration, Deployment and Validation”
The fourth work package of the project aims at handling the tools and mechanisms for the integration of algorithms, AI components and security pillars into a platform. The validity and smooth operation of the individual components and of the integrated platform will be continuously verified and evaluated. This work package will also provide feedback to the following development cycles of all technical work packages. A continuous integration and deployment environment as well as a central HosmartAI Hub with its Dashboard, the Marketplace and the Co-creation space will be developed in this work package.
The work started at the beginning of this month with the initial focus of defining the reference architecture with necessary components and information exchange between them. The evaluation of user requirements and solutions has started driving the integration and test plan, which is important for the alignment of mechanisms, modules, components and services in the project. The work plans of all tasks are being refined to adjust to the information that has been provided from other work packages and each other. The biweekly meetings so far have contributed to this alignment, but also promoted collaboration and knowledge sharing between partners through discussion on technology preferences and possible approaches in development and integration of platform components.
Next steps on WP4:
- First version of HosmartAI Platform Architecture Design and Open APIs by January 2022
- Setup of a Continuous Integration and Deployment environment by January 2022