mapa pilotos

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University Medical Centre Maribor

The HosmartAI project includes a work package that deals with Large-scale Pilot Demonstration and Evaluations, where eight (8) pilots will demonstrate and validate the projects’ concept and approach, using the HosmartAI concept. Pilots are addressing a wide range of healthcare applications, from the clinical aspect, support and improvement of nursing care, social support for patients to logistic ones.

Pilot 1: Development of a clinician-friendly, interpretable computer-aided diagnosis system (ICADx) to support and optimize clinical decision making in the multi-specialty healthcare environment in AHEPA hospital & Hippokrateion (Greece). 

Pilot 2: Optimizing the use of radiotherapy in CHUL Hospital (Belgium).

Pilot 3: Treatment Improvement with the use of innovative technologies and robotics in the rehabilitation process in IRCCS Rehabilitation Center (Italy).

Pilot 4: Robotic Systems for minimally Invasive Operation in SERMAS Hospital (Spain).

Pilot 5: Assistive Care in hospital: Robotic Nurse in UKCM Hospital (Slovenia).

Pilot 6: Assistive Care in Care Centre: Virtual Assistant in INTRAS Care Centre (Spain).

Pilot 7: Smart Cathlab Assistant in UZ Brussel (Belgium).

Pilot 8: Prognosis of cancer patients and their response to treatment combining multi-omics data in UZ Brussel (Belgium).

In the WP5 we are following the tasks from the proposal, each pilot has:

  • Prepared their clinical variables mapping results. Where pilots have organized site visits with research groups, combined with clinicians and nurses on each pilot site. 
  • The initial assessment of the space and physical issues and restrictions needed.
  • Prepared a detailed study protocol. This includes the technical architecture, data flows, and applicable scenarios. This is being submitted to the etchics commissions according to the specific country national legislation (hospital or national commission).
  • Prepared deliverable D5.1 -Detailed Pilot specification and Report on Pilot Sites preparation with the specification of monitoring mechanism and preparation of testing period before including the system in the hospital environment in May 2022.