Inspiring co-design mindsets through a Playful Experience Design for HosmartAI virtual and robotic assistant in FITECU FAIR (Spain)
HosmartAI got to the FITECU – I INTERNATIONAL FAIR OF INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY AT THE SERVICE OF CARE, a pioneer event in Spain that took place last 23rd February 2023 at VillardeCiervos (Zamora, Spain). The aim of the Fair with three conference days was to discuss and share on the opportunities to bring technologies and services to the territory pondering the wealth of a Community full of possibilities and resources, emphasizing the priorities and the role of Social innovation and technology as a way to develop care, attention, prevention and well-being ecosystems. Vanguard technology at the service of Care was brought to the rural environment and our team could not miss this opportunity.
This international event addresses the burst of technology into our lives, leading us to better adapt to this new reality. This effort of trying to keep up may generate reluctance towards the digital revolution and can create an obstacle from realising that technology can humanise care, improve quality of life and is taking advantage of its cruising speed to boost personal independence.
HosmartAI partners, Fundación INTRAS, with the collaboration of ITCL, brought Pilot 6 – virtual coach for a continuity of care – to a co-creation session for a join design challenge involving a group of 14 experts by experience (older adults for which the solution is being design) and participants from academic field, tech professionals, entrepreneurs and care services managers collaborated in a playful experience session co-designing motivational content for the virtual coach.
The co-creation session counted with robot Pepper, a mobile app developed within this pilot, iMAT app and Gradior Cognitivo to disseminate the HosmartAI concept and to, in a demonstration of our methodology of participatory approaches in innovation processes and collaboration between external participants, professionals and end users, were involved in a creative and collaborative atmosphere.
This live session brought technical professionals closer to the public in developing solutions to healthcare system needs, one of the European Union determinations.