D1.1 Domain Landscape

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D6.1. Dissemination, Communication & Ecosystem Building Plan

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D8.1 SELP Benchmark Report

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D1.2 Stakeholders' requirements and analysis report

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D8.2 SELP Compliance Report

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D1.5 HosmartAI Platform Conceptual Architecture - First version

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D1.3 Stakeholders' requirements and analysis report - second version

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D4.1 Platform Architecture Design and Open APIs - First version

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D1.6 HosmartAI Platform Conceptual Architecture - Final version

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D1.7 Report on KPIs definition

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D8.3 SELP Impact Assessment

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D6.10 Open Call 1 handbook and proposals evaluation report

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D6.7 - Data Management Handling Plan - First version

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D6.4 - Dissemination, Communication & Standardization Activities Report - First Version

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D6.2 - Ecosystem Building, Industrial Clustering & Stakeholders Engagement - First Version

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D6.8 – Data Management Handling Plan – Second

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D6.11 - Open Call 2 handbook and proposals
evaluation report

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D8.4 – SELP Continuous Monitoring Report 1

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D4.2 – Platform Architecture Design and Open APIs –
Second version

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D1.4 - Stakeholders’ Requirements and Analysis Report - Final version

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D4.3– Platform Architecture Design and Open APIs – Final version

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D7.5 – Business Plan – Final Version

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D6.9 – Data Management Handling Plan – Final

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D6.5 – Dissemination, Communication & Standardization Activities Report - Final Version

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D6.13 – Open Call 2 project and outcome evaluation report

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D6.6 – Certification, Training and alignment actions and material

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D6.3 – Ecosystem Building, Industrial Clustering & Stakeholders Engagement - Final version

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D8.5 – SELP Continuous Monitoring Report 2

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