healthcare professionals
European regions
- Diagnosis and Treatment Improvement (Pilot #1; Pilot #8)
- Logistic Improvement (Pilot #2)
- Treatment Improvement (Pilot #3)
- Surgical Support (Pilot #4; Pilot #7)
- Assistive Care (Pilot #5; Pilot #6)
8 Lighthouse Pilots will validate and test the methodology and approach in their facilities.
The 8 large-scale pilots will involve 3000 patients, 300 healthcare professionals, 600 stakeholders including healthcare managers in 5 different European regions. These pilots concern technology implementation and evaluation to improve care in medical diagnosis, surgical interventions, disease prevention and treatment and rehabilitation and long-term care support in various hospitals and care settings. A variety of clinical domains are expected to benefit including in the treatment of cancer, gastrointestinal and thoracic disorders, cardiovascular and neurological diseases, elderly care and neuropsychological rehabilitation as well as foetal growth restriction and prematurity.

Pilot 1